Wednesday 6 March 2013

Interim Report

1) Success is an arbitrary term to say the least. With such an ambiguous term to respond to, the question then becomes 'what defines success?' In my opinion, success is not measured in accomplishments or marks, but in dreams and goals. My goal for this course was to gain more insight on the human body. With this in mind, I believe I have attained success. I believe I now have a firm foundation on the principles of biochemistry and the digestion process on a macro and microscopic perspective. This success is reflected in not only my course mark, but in my confidence with the material.

2) A strong work ethic is essential for academic success. I believe I do possess the ability to prioritize, organize, and complete my assignments. To my knowledge, I have completed all the assignments and tasks asked from me. With this in mind, I believe my work ethic has kept par with my classroom knowledge and confidence level.

3) Having the ability to collaborate with my fellow classmates and peers has provided invaluable experience and knowledge that I don't believe I could've gained otherwise. My peers have been resourceful, insightful, and helpful. Through collaborative efforts, we have made sense of otherwise difficult concepts and material. Having the opportunity to create projects with partners have allowed for mutual academic benefits, and it has allowed me to gain their perspective on the course content.

4) My ultimate goal for Biology 12 is to gain a fundamental and solid understanding on human biology and biochemistry. With a strong work ethic and persistent efforts to compete assignments, I firmly believe I can achieve just that. I also believe that quizzes and tests help me understand my progress, and it reflects my growth in this discipline. With a firm foundation in the fundamentals, I believe I will be Abel to carry my education forward, and ideally I would like to specialize in this intriguing field.