Monday 4 February 2013

Water Illusion

The following thesis disproves the allegations implied by the attached link:

     In response to the seemingly preposterous assertion made by the author in the above video, science clearly has an answer. Based on the already known physical and chemical properties of water (H20) it is evident that the current knowledge of its cohesive nature and its ability to induce surface tensions through the hydrogen bonds between each water molecule, such a feat could not be possible in the realms of the known universe. Despite possessing the ability for water molecules to attract one another through hydrogen bonds, this force is negligible when dealing with such volume. Although hydrogen bonds do provide and incentive for water molecules to clump together, this force cannot compete with the other forces demanding it abandon its current shape, the most prevalent being the force of gravity. The force induced by the twisting of the glass also encourages the water to desert its upright form, and instead come tumbling down succumbing to the force of gravity. In short, despite each water molecule possessing a noticeable cohesive force attracting itself to other water molecules, the force of gravity involved in the above volume and shape far exceeds it.  

-Rawel Sidhu & Michael Panderla

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