Wednesday 3 April 2013

Respiratory System: Vital Capacity

1) My vital capacity of 4.8L was slightly above average among my fellow male collegues. This may be because of my past swimming experiences as well as my large build. There may also be some genetic factors which affect my vital capacity, as well as some environmental hindernances such as air pollution and elevation that may affect the results.

2) The average single breath can range from a half-liter for quick shallow breaths to up to six liters for a deep intentionally pronlonged breath. There are several factors which afffect vital capacity, including: height weight, age, sex, genetic makeup, physical training, as well as mental efforts and state of mind. 

3)  During regular exhalation, the diaphragam relaxes, creating an area of relatively high pressure inside the thoracic cavity resulting in the air being forced outwards. During forced exhalation, in order to create a smaller volume and thus a higher pressure in the thoracic capactiy, there are several muscles in the abdomen and chest that contract to further the differnce in the two air masses resulting in a greater volume of air being expelled outwards.

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