Monday 3 June 2013

Engagement in Biology

        Engagement is a funny word. What may seem like active and dymamic involvement in class may seem as being passive and detached through the eyes of another. To me, the level of engagement is directly tied with confidence in one's ability and knowledge. If you are confident in your understanding of the course, you are sufficiently engaged. One may argue - on a superficial level of analysis - that the level of confidence is directy correlated to the numerical value displayed on a report card. I personally agree to this asertion to an extent, however I maintain the beleif that detachment and high marks can be mutually exclusive. To me, engagement can be seen in every question asked, every subtle nod, every weak smile, and in every thought explored. Throughout the year I firmly beleive that I have adequetly displayed such engagement and this level is wholeheartedly refelcted in my marks, and my confidence.

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