Thursday 13 June 2013

Post-Pig Dissection

       The most interesting part about the pig dissection, was how closely the interior anatomy resembled the textbook. Every organ was positioned as it was in the drawings, only difference being the scale of these organs. I was shocked at how massive the liver was compared to the other organs. In comparison, the stomach and the other digestive organs were overshadowed by the liver, that also surprisingly resembled the shape seen in pictures. 

Another interesting observation I made on the fetal pig was how closely it resembled its adult counterpart. Prior to the dissection, I was under the assumption that the fetal pig would be more embryonic and primitive - barely resembling the post - birth piglets seen in everyday life. I conclusion, I found the pig dissection to be very enlightening and  surprising as it taught me not only to never make broad assumptions when it comes to science, but it also taught me to see our bodies through a different lens. Through the eyes of a mechanic, an architect, an engineer, and a visionary.

Monday 3 June 2013

Engagement in Biology

        Engagement is a funny word. What may seem like active and dymamic involvement in class may seem as being passive and detached through the eyes of another. To me, the level of engagement is directly tied with confidence in one's ability and knowledge. If you are confident in your understanding of the course, you are sufficiently engaged. One may argue - on a superficial level of analysis - that the level of confidence is directy correlated to the numerical value displayed on a report card. I personally agree to this asertion to an extent, however I maintain the beleif that detachment and high marks can be mutually exclusive. To me, engagement can be seen in every question asked, every subtle nod, every weak smile, and in every thought explored. Throughout the year I firmly beleive that I have adequetly displayed such engagement and this level is wholeheartedly refelcted in my marks, and my confidence.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Heart Dissection

         Every now and then, we receive the remarkable opportunity of observing the marvels of biology not from a textbook, but in person. The heart is a remarkably adamant organ which takes its job to the extreme by providing an around-the-clock pump for the body's circulatory system. Here are just some of the observations made on this beloved organ:

1) Compare the structure of the atria and ventricles - how are they different?  Why is that?

 Perhaps the most distinguishing feature for the atria were their relatively diminutive size when compared to the more muscular and rigid ventricles. Almost sac-like in appearance, the atria were spongy in texture and were flexible and 'inflatable.'They seemed almost detached from the heart structure, and almost looked like flaps serving no apparent structure. The atria need to be flexible in order to expand when blood rushes through them. They must have sufficient capacity to store the blood, and then must then be able to deliver it to the ventricles. The ventricles are much more muscular (left one being more so) in order to squeeze blood at a high velocity. The left ventricle in specific must be powerful enough to squeeze blood to the entire body, whereas its rightward companion need only to deliver the blood to the lungs.

2) Did you notice a difference between the veins and arteries entering and leaving the heart?  How is their structure different?

 The arteries leaving the heart were very thick and more rigid than the veins entering it. The walls for the arteries were much more thicker, and the diameter was narrower in order to increase pressure and velocity - without the walls giving in. The roles however switch when it comes to the pulmonary system, as the veins and arteries are essentially switched.

3) Describe the valves that you found in the heart - what are their functions?

The tricuspid atrioventricular valve allowing blood from the right atriam to enter the right ventricle was similar to the bicuspid atrioventricular valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle. The valves were narrow and guided the blood to the ventricles. They had thin strings (Chordae Tendinae) attached to prevent inversion. Their purpose is to control the amount of blood entering the ventricles, without inverting and allowing blood back into the atrium. The semilunar valves prior to the pulmonary trunk and the aorta were cresecent-shaped and were fairly concealed and tucked away. They purpose is again to control the output of blood without and straying and flowing backwards.

4) What surprised you about dissecting the heart?  Why?

I was most surprised over how large the blood vessels are in actuality. Seeing them in a textbook gives them an elusive nature of being concealed, and far too small to be easily manipulated. However, I soon found my entire finger sliding through one of these vessels (the aorta), with dare I say surprising ease. For some reason I was under the illusion that such a vital vessel would be much more fragile, almost delicate in sense. To my surprise, the vessel was able to sustain the abuse delivered to it through many a prodding and poking. Amazing.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Why Eating Beets Can Lead To Some Startling Discoveries

              You're just finished your business after almost rupturing your bladder from the wait, and are just about to leave when you notice. Your urine is red! Now before screaming in horror and dialing the nearest hospital, think back on your day and reflect on what you ate. Chances are, you probably had a beet recently.
            Known as a phenomena called "Beeturia," excreting red-urine from your urethra can be a tell-tale sign that you may be low on iron. Experts suggest the science behind it relies on "pernicious anemia, which is a chronic condition caused by gastric atrophy which leads to deficient intrinsic factors to process B 12." However, the reasoning behind it isn't that simple. Some evidence points to a genetic problem resulting in being unable to metabolize betalaine - a red pigment. So if you are part of the 14% of people that get a shocker after eating beets, don't feel the need to drop your beet consumption as they are very healthy.
          Iron deficiency, known as anemia, can be compensated by eating a diet rich in dietary iron. Dark leafy vegetables, fish, and eggs are an excellent source of such iron and should be consumed regularly. Beets also carry this iron, along with a host of other 'goodies' such as magnesium, calcium, and folic acid. Beets can cleanse and protect the body through increased production of immune cells and healthy metabolic processes.

So eat up! Just make sure to flush!


Thursday 9 May 2013

Circulation Celebration of Learning

The human body also contains networks of blood vessels. Unless otherwise specified, the vein equivalent of arteries generally share the same name.

Compare the following:
Pulmonary vs. systemic (blood vessels, function, oxygenated vs. deoxygenated)
Arteries vs. veins (structure)

The pulmonary system serves to get deoxygenated blood into the lungs -specifically to the alveoli- where the blood cells can get oxygenated. The pulomanary trunk branches into the pulmonary arteries, which carry deoxygenated blood. After oxygenation, they begin making their way back to the heart, thus being called the pulmonary veins. The systemic system serves to get oxygenated blood throughout the body, with arteries carrying oxygenated blood and veins carrying deoxygenated blood.
Arteries must have thick walls in order to stand through the high pressure of blood that passes through them. They have 3 distinct layers to handle the influx of blood at a high velocity from the aorta. Veins are larger in dimater and are thinner than arteries. They also have valves that allow the blood to move through systematic contractions, and prevent backflow from occuring.

List the structures (specific blood vessels, parts of the heart) that a blood cell would pass by within the circulatory system - moving from the carotid artery all the way back to the aorta.  Include information about where and when the blood is oxygenated and deoxygenated.

Carotid artery (oxygenated) -> Brain (Oxygen arrives) -> Internal Jugular Vein (deoxygenated) -> Superior Vena Cava (deoxygenated) -> Right Atrium (deoxy) -(AV)> Right Ventricle -(Semilunar Valve)> Pulmonary Trunk -> Pulomary Arteries -> Lungs (oxygenated) -> Pulmonary Veins -> Left Atrium -(AV)> Left Ventricle -(SL Valve)> Aorta (oxygenated)

Fetal circulation:  Describe the 3 major modifications of the fetal circulatory system.  What is the purpose of each?

Foramen Ovale : Allows blood to enter the Light Atrium from the Right Atrium through an opening; effectively bypasses the lungs.

Ductus Arteriosis: Allows blood from the Pulomanary Arteries to bypass developing lungs and enter the aorta.

Ductus Venosus: Allows oxygenated blood from the placenta to enter the vena cava and bypass the liver

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Is deoxygenated blood blue?

     A common misconception, the concept of blue blood has been around ever since keen observers began exploring the wonders of the cardiovascual system. The reasoning behind this misleading theory seems to stem from the fact that our veins - which carry deoxygenated blood - appear to be blue to us, and thus, their contents musat reflect this stark color. The reality however is far less conclusive. This theory goes under several assumptions, namely assuming that veins are transparent enough to emit the color of the blood they carry, and relies heavily on the concept that it is only oxygen that gives blood its crimson hue.

    Prior to defeating this misleading theory which seems to have alluded many a biology teachers and some students, time should be allotted to discuss the science behind oxygenated red blood. Blood contains millions of hemoglobins which attach to oxygen molecules, releasing them to every individual cell in the body. The oxygen-enriched blood cells are bright red in color due to the oxidation of the iron present in each hemoglobin protein. When the oxygen vacated the hemoglobin, the cell defaults to its original state - dark red. This is why blood drawn into a vacuum (e.g. a syringe)  remains a solid red color, and blood released in oil will remain red despite any contact with oxygen.

     So then why are veins blue? It should be noted that colour is not necessarily a property, but just wavelengths of light being reflected towards the observer. Human fat allows only blue light to penetrate deep into the veins, and the deoxygenated blood only further absorbs the darker wavelengths. The end result appears to be a dark and blue vein that appears to carry bluish blood. Any meat aficionado will be able to tell you that veins are not distinguished from other blood vessels, and instead appear brownish-red in color. 

Friday 5 April 2013

What are the effects of having only one lung?

A dash of perspective by Rawel Sidhu and Michael Panderla

Although rare, it is possible to be born with only one lung. Such a birth defect can highly increase the infant mortality rate for the child, and it could greatly decrease their chance of survival without proper equipment and specialized ventilation. Victims of lung cancer or lung trauma often require the surgical removal of the effected lung.

Patients with only one lung sharply increase their risk of contracting pneumonia and other lung diseases. Subsequently, lung cancer patients can often find their other lung at risk of cancer or other breathing impediments, thus the usage of a ventilator may be required.

SRxA, a pharmaceutical consulting firm, confirms that"In America alone, it’s estimated that more than 40,000 people have only one lung. And most of them do just fine because the body tends to compensate by making the other lung grow larger."

Interestingly enough, the newly appointed Pope, Pope Francis, has only one lung, which hasn't prevented him from performing his duties as the head of the Catholic Church. Removal of one lung itself hasn't been all to modern, as pneumonectomy has been around since the 1950's, where the lack of antibiotics made post-surgery fatalities all to common. Nevertheless, with the influx of modern medicine, the removal of one lung no longer carries with it the death sentence it once held, and with the advent of even more discoveries in science, the outlook for patients needing the removal of one lung seems brighter than ever. 

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Respiratory System: Vital Capacity

1) My vital capacity of 4.8L was slightly above average among my fellow male collegues. This may be because of my past swimming experiences as well as my large build. There may also be some genetic factors which affect my vital capacity, as well as some environmental hindernances such as air pollution and elevation that may affect the results.

2) The average single breath can range from a half-liter for quick shallow breaths to up to six liters for a deep intentionally pronlonged breath. There are several factors which afffect vital capacity, including: height weight, age, sex, genetic makeup, physical training, as well as mental efforts and state of mind. 

3)  During regular exhalation, the diaphragam relaxes, creating an area of relatively high pressure inside the thoracic cavity resulting in the air being forced outwards. During forced exhalation, in order to create a smaller volume and thus a higher pressure in the thoracic capactiy, there are several muscles in the abdomen and chest that contract to further the differnce in the two air masses resulting in a greater volume of air being expelled outwards.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Interim Report

1) Success is an arbitrary term to say the least. With such an ambiguous term to respond to, the question then becomes 'what defines success?' In my opinion, success is not measured in accomplishments or marks, but in dreams and goals. My goal for this course was to gain more insight on the human body. With this in mind, I believe I have attained success. I believe I now have a firm foundation on the principles of biochemistry and the digestion process on a macro and microscopic perspective. This success is reflected in not only my course mark, but in my confidence with the material.

2) A strong work ethic is essential for academic success. I believe I do possess the ability to prioritize, organize, and complete my assignments. To my knowledge, I have completed all the assignments and tasks asked from me. With this in mind, I believe my work ethic has kept par with my classroom knowledge and confidence level.

3) Having the ability to collaborate with my fellow classmates and peers has provided invaluable experience and knowledge that I don't believe I could've gained otherwise. My peers have been resourceful, insightful, and helpful. Through collaborative efforts, we have made sense of otherwise difficult concepts and material. Having the opportunity to create projects with partners have allowed for mutual academic benefits, and it has allowed me to gain their perspective on the course content.

4) My ultimate goal for Biology 12 is to gain a fundamental and solid understanding on human biology and biochemistry. With a strong work ethic and persistent efforts to compete assignments, I firmly believe I can achieve just that. I also believe that quizzes and tests help me understand my progress, and it reflects my growth in this discipline. With a firm foundation in the fundamentals, I believe I will be Abel to carry my education forward, and ideally I would like to specialize in this intriguing field.

Monday 18 February 2013

Food Lab Analysis

1) The positive results for the test included macroscopic changes in each of the samples. Food items that tested positive for lipids left a distinguished translucent smear on the paper that was clearly visible when held in front of a source of light. Sample containing starch turned darker and took on a purple or black hue, clearly distinguish from the samples not containing starch and as a result having no change when the indicator was added. Foods containing simple sugars acquired a dark brown color when heated with the Benedict reagent solution. The test tubes containing a sample that had simple sugars turned darker when compared to their non-sugar comparisons, and were clearly distinguished from their initial observations.

2) The building blocks of large starch molecules formed from complex polypeptide are the smaller monomer building blocks that are made up of glucose - the building blocks of starch and a simple sugar. **picture cannot be inserted**

3) The reasoning behind Thomas's and Josh's intriguing observations may be explained in the starch molecules themselves. The starch molecules in their complex and unbroken forms would get negative in this test because the simple sugars that make up the starch have not yet been isolated into simpler monomers. Once the heat has been added however, the complicated molecules are encouraged to break apart and the simple sugars now exist in the solution. Thus, now that the simple sugars are free and unchained, the sample would then test positive for simple sugars.

4) The digestion of an apple is far more complicated than one would assume. It begins in the mouth where mechanical digestion from the teeth reduces the size of each morsel and increases its surface area. The salivary amylase that exists in saliva begins breaking down the starch that exists in the apple, transforming the complex molecules into maltose. The bolus then moves down the pharynx and into the esophagus through paristaltic contractions through the cardiac sphincter and into the stomach. The HCl in the stomach beings eating away at the apple, and combined with the churning with the stomach turns it into chyme. The chyme moves through the pyloric sphincter and enter thoe duodenum where most of the chemical digestion takes place. The pancreatic amylase produces from the pancreas converts any remaining starch into maltose. The nuclease works on the genetic coding of the apple and turns it into nucleotides. As the chyme makes its way down further the duodenum, the small intestine juice containing nucleosidase and maltase converts the nucleotides and maltose into sugar phosphate and base, and glucose respectively. The chyme continues its wy through the small intestine where the nutrients are absorbed, and through the large intestine where most of the water is absorbed. It then enters the rectum and exits through the anus as feces.

Monday 4 February 2013

Water Illusion

The following thesis disproves the allegations implied by the attached link:

     In response to the seemingly preposterous assertion made by the author in the above video, science clearly has an answer. Based on the already known physical and chemical properties of water (H20) it is evident that the current knowledge of its cohesive nature and its ability to induce surface tensions through the hydrogen bonds between each water molecule, such a feat could not be possible in the realms of the known universe. Despite possessing the ability for water molecules to attract one another through hydrogen bonds, this force is negligible when dealing with such volume. Although hydrogen bonds do provide and incentive for water molecules to clump together, this force cannot compete with the other forces demanding it abandon its current shape, the most prevalent being the force of gravity. The force induced by the twisting of the glass also encourages the water to desert its upright form, and instead come tumbling down succumbing to the force of gravity. In short, despite each water molecule possessing a noticeable cohesive force attracting itself to other water molecules, the force of gravity involved in the above volume and shape far exceeds it.  

-Rawel Sidhu & Michael Panderla

Thursday 31 January 2013

An Earnest Inquiry

Biology has always been an intriguing field for me, especially considering how the faculty seems so relevant and applicable in daily life. It has been aptly named the study of life as it undoubtedly seeks to shed some light on the diverse and rich array of organisms that can be seen - not always the case - around us. The human body despite its seemingly complex systems and inconceivable wonders continues to show itself as an ordered and streamlined machine, with even the tiniest of details serving their own unique purpose. I wish to learn how all these systems interact with one another, and how they strive to make the body even more efficient and effective. I'm especially curious about biology from the microscopic level, as each cell seems to be so isolated in its bizarre world of enzymes and chemical processes, yet so connected with one another at the same time. Absolutely baffling!